斯道拉·恩索是世界上目前最大的生产纸和纸板的公司,公司集团综合森林产品,在跨越五大洲四十多个国家都拥有工厂。同时,拥有年产1270万公吨的纸和纸板的生产能力。主要市场在欧洲,同时也涉足北美、拉丁美洲及亚洲市场。2009年斯道拉·恩索的总销售额为89亿欧元。公司在全球35多个国家拥有雇员 27000人,股票在赫尔辛基、斯德哥尔摩公开上市。公司产品分成三个部分:林产品、纸及包装纸。主要生产新闻纸和书刊用纸、杂志纸、高档文化纸、民用包装纸板、工业包装和林木产品。产品的大部分生产能力在欧洲。
Established in 1998, Stora Enso is a Finnish company based in Helsinki working in the packaging, paper and wood products industry. With 26,000 employees across 85 production facilities around the world, Stora Enso produces “1.8 million tons of paper and board, 1.3 billion square metres of corrugated packaging and 6.4 million cubic metres of sawn wood products” annually. For graphic designers, Stora Enso is a well-known brand as they have some very nice fine coated papers for printing, which were quite popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when using imported paper was fancy and doable. This month, Stora Enso has launched a “Rethink” campaign, a refreshed way of looking and acting and, along with it, is a new logo designed by Helsinki-based N2.